Monday, February 27, 2012

Composition #1


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

About Communication

I think I will learn a variety of useful things from the podcast project. It will be interesting for members of my group to challenge ourselves in communicating information visually.

The most important things that we will learn about communication through this project are efficiency and concision. We will have to learn how to efficiently communicate visual information so that our video is not boring. We will also learn to be concise so that we do not repeat information.

Without efficiency and concision, our project will not be entertaining. I would feel bad if I had to put my classmates through an uninteresting ten minute video, so my group will be efficient and concise in our project.

I think that communication entails an exchange of information or ideas between people. Because communication is something that we can improve upon, there is good communication and bad communication. Good communication is an efficient and concise exchange of information or ideas between people; there is no redundancy and it is direct.

For example, I would not send you a letter if I was half way across the world - that is bad communication - instead, I would either send an email or call you. Likewise, if I you asked me what time it is, I would not spend 10 minutes answering your question; I would answer concisely so as not to waste our time.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012








